Monday, February 24, 2014

Starting anew

Starting anew this year in many areas of my life. I am exercising regularly, trying to stop pleasing everyone, and looking out for myself more. 

After coming through a rough season of depression I am relearning how to look on the positive.  Thus the name Awesome Northern Living.  I am seeing how blessed living in the beautiful north with God's amazing creations all around.  One of our  favorite after school on the way home adventures is to drive by the woods up the hill where the deer frequent.  I'm always in awe simply watching these animals.  We have seen coyotes, and foxes on our street.  One day my middle, a baby then was at the front window saying cow very very excitedly, when I came into the living room there was a large buck walking down the street, hoove prints visible in the snow cover yard right in front of big window.  We went out for cross country sking, and a bonfire last week.  It is such a reminder of such blessing to be in nature.  Now the youngest isn't the biggest fan of the walking through deep snow, or getting cold hands but the older two had a blast.  I was very impressed that my oldest went cross country skiing for quite sometime while out. 

Now living in the north is not always awesome especially when it is really really cold like over Christmas.  But we still had fun being together.

This week the kids have off school and it is cold again.  -18 that feels like -32 is just to cold to be outside.  Yet with playdates, and baking we will keep ourselves busy.  We are dog sitting a tiny weiner dog for some friends and the kids are enjoying her.   She slept with our oldest last night which is both good and bad.  So glad she has warmed up to the kids, but now thinking my oldest is going to want a dog sooooo much more now.  He is so good, and gentle and soft spoken to it.

This is the best picture I have of all three in a long time.  Of course laundry piled on the couch, story of my life.  Symbolizes to me how nothing ever seems accomplished as a stay at home mom, yet my blessings are abundant!