Friday, March 14, 2014

Awesome potty training

Why do you ask was my potty training number 3 awesome?  Because he caught on super fast, was so proud of himself and now on day 8 I'm saying that wasn't so hard.

I'm looking at the 3 days over last weekend I took to teach my youngest to use the potty and it was so successful.  I remember thinking I really don't know if I can do this before and then finally just decided it was time.  Equipped with tons of juice, fruit snacks and patience we started out last Friday to get this potty party going.  And sure he had some accidents day 1, 2 but only pee!  He pooped like a big boy right away.  Day 3 when I started emphasizing keeping our underpants dry after reading more info on training he was dry the whole day!  And has been ever since.  He does wear a cloth pull-up overnight but that is my experience and past sleepless/ early early mornings has taught me to let that come when it comes.   I just commit those first 3 days to being right beside him playing with him  then when he starts peeing we run to the potty to finish.  It was rather fun playing all day long.  And when he finally starts in the potty with  dry pants he got a car fruit snack treat!  He loved the treats and was so proud.  Of course lots of ohhh and Hahn from big sis, and big bro helped I'm sure.

He keeps me on my toes this bubby.  But he certainly got the potty training really fast.  I remember my daughter caught in fast too, however she had more poop accidents.  Sure, I'm older and maybe a bit more relaxed but he is one big boy.

Awesome potty training makes up for those really trying days... Like the night bubby shoved an arm off play glasses into his ear and screamed and blood poured out!  That's another post

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Winter MAY allow spring to come

So it was actually warm enough to play at the park this week.  Really a balmy -12 and we were excited.  I have to say how impressed I was that the bubby lasted for an hour out in the cold, even keeping his mitts on.  The big kids played grounders(form of tag) with some friends and bubby was happy to roll down the hill, slide, climb, spin, and do snow angels.  He was determined to get mommy to do a snow angel but I didn't have snow pants so I said no my bum would get wet. 

I was happy to slide and follow bubby around.  So blown away this week by how fast my littlest is growing up. Thinking it is going to be a fun spring/summer with him now that he is more boy then baby. Yet as I say that a part of me cries that he is my last. 

I am potty training bubby this weekend, when we do not HAVE to go out of the house.  He is doing well and I am actually a little surprised.  Mommy however did need some chocolate tonight because other the general fighting with all kids around.  Sweet pea thinks she is a little mommy and tells bubby what to do far to often.  And she is not the most patient person, she may have learned that from me.  Meatball is my little man who mostly just wants to play video games all day long!!! Which the asking and talking about them drives me a little crazy. (He is like his father)

Spring IS around the corner.  So, I will look on!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

2 year olds

As I try to type this the 2 year old is trying to put the little dog we are taking care of in its kennel.  I tell him that puppy doesn't need to go in there and that he is scaring her.  So he cries and screams.  Now he is trying to put his Cookie Monster toy on her like she is a horse for it.   He seems to be constant motion!  Now doing his favourite game mom counts 1,2,3 Go and he runs through the house.  Somedays a jet, today a spit machine obviously.

I love my boy, he is certainly noise with dirt on it.  Roar, scream, spit spraying!  He just thought it a good idea to stand on the little people house and jump onto the coffee table only to fall and hurt his foot.  Quick cuddle and kiss from mommy then he is taking me hand and leading me to the fridge.  He is not very verbal yet so through grunts, few words and pulling mommy along he asks for some orange juice by opening fridge and getting it out.

He enjoys animals, cars, balls, painting, piggy back rides from sis and wrestling with his brother.  He loves to play with his food and sometimes eats it.  As I clean up the floor I remind myself this season will be over faster then believable as I see with my 8 year old.  He loves cuddles with mom after sleeping which I love too.  My hubby let me sleep in 2 days these days off and Bubby was a little whiney and out of sorts both days, we figured he missed his mommy cuddles.

If while I'm doing laundry and some of my piled laundry goes missing I know a little bubby probably helped and am sure to find it in his dresser.  He knows where his granola bar wrapper goes, and is helpful with cleaning up when he feels like it.  He has pooped and peed in the potty but I haven't done the full potty training yet. (After the puppy we are taking care of goes home I'm starting). He is growing up so fast yet still just my baby.  His sister and brother both at school full time reminds me of how soon enough I will have to let go.

So at the end of the day I'm tired and maybe a little frazzled by this 2year old.  So happy and blessed by my little bubby as I know he was a gift to me.  And to soon this season of crazy toddler adventure will be over, and I will be wondering where the years have gone.

Learning to live in the moment and know the season is sure to change, maybe to fast after all.