Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Into the spring of things!!!

We are certainly into spring now!  Sunny days, or rainy days I'm just happy its not winter.  The kids seem to be growing an inch every night.  I'm actually sitting here in peace and quiet because the kids are playing so nice downstairs (sweatpea and bubby are playing loud enough to hear, and meatball is probably creating something with lego or watching cartoons).  The years are flying bye.

Here they are posing for a picture so nice on our walk home from school.  My princess, knight in shining armor and baby prince.  I am so blessed beyond my understanding.  Being a stay at home mom can be so draining and even exhausting some days but most days are a blessing.  The smiles and giggles I experience are my pay.  I get the spontaneous hug or told they love me..
Here is bubby, he was so excited daddy bought him home a strider bike.  So fun!  Sigh...He thinks he can ride on the road like his big brother.  He is having a hard time realizing he can't do or is not allowed to do all the things big brother can. He loves being outside whenever he can.  I am looking forward to camping this summer with the kids. 

Another thing I love about the spring is gardening.  I picked up some basket stuffers (with the help of sweetpea which I loved that she wanted to pick) and some vegetable plants.  I'm excited to expand my front garden for some vegetable plants.  I'm going to grow tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers, carrots, beans and garlic.  Now if the rain will just stop for an afternoon so I can get in the garden. 

Well better get these kids to bed.  What has God blessed you with today?