Monday, September 22, 2014

Painting such joy

My latest painting I finished in August.  My daughter asked me years ago, when I picked up a paint brush again, if I would paint her a fairy painting.  So, I've been thinking what I would paint, grand schemes of a fairy filled jungle with intricate flowers and vines came to mind.  These seemed unreachable as I am not that talented.  So I decided to draw one day and this is what I came up with. Several months later I was taking care of a friends house for them and got 5 hours away from the house/kids to paint at her empty quiet house.  It was pure joy, a refilling of me time I needed.  I am happy with the painting and my daughter loved it! 

I know I need more time for me away being creative, being something other then a mother.  Even if it is painting for my daughter...

I love being a mommy and a wife but lately I have been thinking I need just me doing what I want time alone!!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

It is Fall

I love fall, the change, the colour, the crisp air.  However this year to me it prelude to misery, cold, isolation, winter.  I haven't dreaded winter so much before that I can't enjoy fall.  I know that through exercise, healthy eating and prayer I have been certainly finding my way out of depression.

So today Ill take a deep breath, thank God for my blessings and live for today.   Here are some fun camping pictures from  our last summer hooray the week before school started!  We had lots of fun at the beach, going on a scavenger hunt, painting rocks, making a nature mobile and of course roasting marshmallows over the fire!